Friday 31 August 2012

Peace Concert 2012

Who? Me! Elisha, Organization STORM, Music Artist Shaun White, Fashion Vlogger Peeks, Music Artist Lady Leshurr and comedian A.Dot 
What? Peace Concert 
When? 3rd August 2012
Where? Wandsworth Town Hall Civil Centre 
Why? To promote EFJ and support The Peace Concert

S.T.O.R.M. stands for Support, Trust, Opportunity, Rebuilding and Motivation. This organization is a self help group for lone mothers. The aim is to rebuild self esteem and confidence in women who have experienced difficult relationships or have missed out on educational opportunities. The Peace Concert is an intrinsic part of  S.T.O.R.M to support and empower young people to reject involvement in gangs, and to instead seek alternative life styles through education, employment and training.

Marie the founder of S.T.O.R.M has hosted workshops with EFJ in the past and so she invited EFJ to sell at the event before and during the show. The show started at 8pm but the doors were open from 3pm so me and Elisha were there from 2pm to set up. There was quite a lot of people from the local community the majority were teenagers but there was a lot of young children with there parents. For most of the day I was on the stool with Elisha at other times I was be handing out flyers and badges which everyone loved, including the men! We also met the lovely fashion and beauty vlogger Peeks and The Mayor of Wandsworth came along to support the event.

We packed away around 9pm so we could watch the rest of the show Shaun White was performing who is also Elisha’s cousin, so I met him before he went on stage . For those who don’t know about Shaun White yet he’s a songwriter , producer , recording artist and performer, and has collaborated with Wretch 32 and  50 Cent, just to mention a few!

Some of the highlights of the concerts were performances by the comedian, and Lady Leshurr both of which put on an amazing show.

Elisha & Peeks

Our stand for the day

Me & Elisha

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